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- Listing 1 caption: A natural language processor<197><F105>NATURAL.C<F255D>
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <string.h>
- #include <ctype.h>
- #define ING 73 /* Restriction for ING word */
- void initialize(void);
- void reset_sentence(void);
- void get_record(char *);
- char *extract_word(void);
- int match_record(char *, int);
- char *extract_root(void);
- void check_underlying(void);
- int check_type(char *,int);
- void check_subject(void);
- void check_action(void);
- void check_place(void);
- void make_response(void);
- void make_answer(int);
- void get_verb_ing(void);
- int match_verb_ing(void);
- FILE *infile;
- char dic_record[80];
- int sentence;
- int word_ct;
- char word_array[10][15];
- char root_array[10][15];
- char prime_types[10][11];
- char phrases[10][11];
- char type_array[10][5][11];
- char subjects[20][15];
- char actions[20][15];
- char places[20][31];
- char response[80];
- void main()
- {
- char *cur_word;
- char in_sentence[80];
- initialize();
- if ((infile = fopen("diction", "r+")) == NULL) {
- printf ("\nError opening dictionary\n");
- exit(0);
- }
- printf("\nSentence: ");
- while(gets(in_sentence)) {
- if (in_sentence[0] == '\0') break;
- reset_sentence();
- cur_word = strtok(in_sentence, " ");
- while(cur_word != NULL) {
- get_record(cur_word);
- cur_word = strtok(NULL, " ");
- if (++word_ct > 9) break;
- }
- check_underlying();
- check_subject();
- check_action();
- check_place();
- make_response();
- printf("Response: %s\n\nSentence: ", response);
- if (++sentence > 19) break;
- } /* end while */
- fclose(infile);
- return;
- }
- /*****************************************************/
- /* Initialize variables (subjects, actions and */
- /* places arrays contain entries for 20 sentences). */
- /*****************************************************/
- void initialize()
- {
- int i;
- for (i=0; i<20; i++) {
- subjects[i][0] = '\0';
- actions[i][0] = '\0';
- places[i][0] = '\0';
- }
- sentence = 0;
- return;
- }
- /*****************************************************/
- /* These variables are initialized for each new */
- /* input sentence (each of the 10 word entries for */
- /* the input sentence has 5 type_array entries). */
- /*****************************************************/
- void reset_sentence()
- {
- int i,j;
- word_ct = 0;
- for (i=0; i<10; i++) {
- word_array[i][0] = '\0';
- root_array[i][0] = '\0';
- prime_types[i][0] = '\0';
- phrases[i][0] = '\0';
- for (j=0; j<5; j++)
- type_array[i][j][0] = '\0';
- }
- return;
- }
- /*****************************************************/
- /* Get all the records from the dictionary. If the */
- /* passed word is not in the dictionary, then the */
- /* word could be a name. */
- /*****************************************************/
- void get_record(char *pass_word)
- {
- int types = 0;
- rewind (infile);
- fgets(dic_record, 80, infile);
- while (! feof(infile)) {
- if (match_record(pass_word, types) == 0)
- types++;
- fgets(dic_record, 80, infile);
- }
- if (types == 0) {
- if (isupper( (int) pass_word[0]))
- strcpy(type_array[word_ct][types], "NAME");
- else
- strcpy(type_array[word_ct][types],
- }
- strcpy(word_array[word_ct], pass_word);
- return;
- }
- /*****************************************************/
- /* Compare the passed word with the word in the */
- /* current dictionary record. If they are the same, */
- /* then extract the type (NOUN, VERB, etc.). If the */
- /* type is a VERB, then also extract the root and */
- /* and copy it to the root array. */
- /*****************************************************/
- int match_record(char *pass_word, int types)
- {
- int i, j;
- char *root;
- char *dic_word;
- dic_word = extract_word();
- /* Check if passed word equals dictionary word */
- if (strcmpi(pass_word, dic_word) != 0) return(1);
- /* Word found, get the type */
- for (i=14,j=0; i<20; i++) {
- if (isspace(dic_record[i])) break;
- type_array[word_ct][types][j++] = dic_record[i];
- }
- /* Trim the type */
- type_array[word_ct][types][j] = '\0';
- if (strcmp(type_array[word_ct][types],
- "VERB") == 0) {
- root = extract_root();
- strcpy(root_array[word_ct], root);
- }
- return(0);
- }
- /*****************************************************/
- /* Extract the word from the dictionary. The word is */
- /* 14 characters in length and starts in column 1. */
- /*****************************************************/
- char *extract_word()
- {
- int i, j;
- char dic_word[15];
- for (i=0,j=0; i<14; i++) {
- if (isspace(dic_record[i])) break;
- dic_word[j++] = dic_record[i];
- }
- /* Trim the dictionary word */
- dic_word[j] = '\0';
- return(dic_word);
- }
- /*****************************************************/
- /* Extract the root from the dictionary. It */
- /* identifies a group of similar words (the root for */
- /* run, ran, runs and running is run). It is 14 */
- /* characters in length and starts in column 35. */
- /*****************************************************/
- char *extract_root()
- {
- int i, j;
- char root[15];
- for (i=34,j=0; i<48; i++) {
- if (isspace(dic_record[i])) break;
- root[j++] = dic_record[i];
- }
- /* Trim the root */
- root[j] = '\0';
- return(root);
- }
- /*****************************************************/
- /* Determine if the input sentence contains a known, */
- /* underlying structure. If it does, then assign the */
- /* correct types and phrases for the words. */
- /*****************************************************/
- void check_underlying()
- {
- int i;
- /* Structure WH-AUX-NAME-VERB */
- i = 0;
- if ( (check_type("WH", i) == 0) &&
- (check_type("AUX", i+1) == 0) &&
- (check_type("NAME", i+2) == 0) &&
- (check_type("VERB", i+3) == 0) ) {
- strcpy(prime_types[i], "WH");
- strcpy(prime_types[i+1], "AUX");
- strcpy(prime_types[i+2], "NAME");
- strcpy(prime_types[i+3], "VERB");
- strcpy(phrases[i], "WHQUESTION");
- strcpy(phrases[i+1], "VERBPHRASE");
- strcpy(phrases[i+2], "NOUNPHRASE");
- strcpy(phrases[i+3], "VERBPHRASE");
- return;
- }
- if ( (check_type("NAME", i) == 0) &&
- (check_type("AUX", i+1) == 0) &&
- (check_type("VERB", i+2) == 0) &&
- (check_type("PREP", i+3) == 0) &&
- (check_type("DET", i+4) == 0) &&
- (check_type("NOUN", i+5) == 0) ) {
- strcpy(prime_types[i], "NAME");
- strcpy(prime_types[i+1], "AUX");
- strcpy(prime_types[i+2], "VERB");
- strcpy(prime_types[i+3], "PREP");
- strcpy(prime_types[i+4], "DET");
- strcpy(prime_types[i+5], "NOUN");
- strcpy(phrases[i], "NOUNPHRASE");
- strcpy(phrases[i+1], "VERBPHRASE");
- strcpy(phrases[i+2], "VERBPHRASE");
- strcpy(phrases[i+3], "PREPPHRASE");
- strcpy(phrases[i+4], "PREPPHRASE");
- strcpy(phrases[i+5], "PREPPHRASE");
- return;
- }
- return;
- }
- /*****************************************************/
- /* Compare the passed type with all the types for */
- /* this word in the type_array. If the type is */
- /* found, then return 0. The pass_number parameter */
- /* identifies the word in the input sentence. */
- /*****************************************************/
- int check_type(char *pass_type, int pass_number)
- {
- int i;
- for (i=0; type_array[pass_number][i][0]; i++) {
- if (strcmp(type_array[pass_number][i],
- pass_type) == 0)
- /* Passed type is found in array */
- return(0);
- }
- /* Passed type is not found in array */
- return(1);
- }
- /*****************************************************/
- /* If the correct type is "NAME", then the word */
- /* refers to a subject so copy the word to the */
- /* subjects array. */
- /*****************************************************/
- void check_subject()
- {
- int i;
- for (i=0; i<word_ct; i++) {
- if (strcmp(prime_types[i], "NAME") == 0) {
- strcpy(subjects[sentence], word_array[i]);
- break;
- }
- }
- return;
- }
- /*****************************************************/
- /* If the correct type is "VERB", then the word */
- /* refers to an action so copy the word's root from */
- /* the root array to the actions array. */
- /*****************************************************/
- void check_action()
- {
- int i;
- for (i=0; i<word_ct; i++) {
- if (strcmp(prime_types[i], "VERB") == 0) {
- strcpy(actions[sentence], root_array[i]);
- break;
- }
- }
- return;
- }
- /*****************************************************/
- /* If the phrase is a "PREPPHRASE", then all the */
- /* words in the phrase refer to a place. Concatenate */
- /* these words to the places array. */
- /*****************************************************/
- void check_place()
- {
- int i;
- for (i=0; i<word_ct; i++) {
- if (strcmp(phrases[i], "PREPPHRASE") == 0) {
- strcat(places[sentence], " ");
- strcat(places[sentence], word_array[i]);
- }
- }
- return;
- }
- /*****************************************************/
- /* Determine the kind of response to generate. If */
- /* the input sentence is a where-question and the */
- /* subject and action is found in a previous array */
- /* entry, then the response can state the location */
- /* of where the subject and action occured. */
- /*****************************************************/
- void make_response()
- {
- int i;
- /* Last input sentence is not a where-question */
- if (strcmpi(word_array[0],"where") != 0) {
- strcpy(response, "Ok");
- return;
- }
- /* Last input sentence is a where-question */
- for (i=sentence-1; i >= 0; i--) {
- if ( (strcmp(subjects[i],
- subjects[sentence]) == 0) &&
- (strcmp(actions[i],
- actions[sentence]) == 0) &&
- (strlen(places[i]) != 0) ) {
- make_answer(i);
- return;
- }
- }
- /* Not enough information in actions and */
- /* subjects arrays. */
- strcpy(response, "I don't know");
- return;
- }
- /*****************************************************/
- /* Generate a response that states the location of */
- /* where the subject and action occured. */
- /*****************************************************/
- void make_answer(int prev_sentence)
- {
- strcpy(response, subjects[prev_sentence]);
- strcat(response, " ");
- strcat(response, "was ");
- get_verb_ing();
- strcat(response, places[prev_sentence]);
- return;
- }
- /*****************************************************/
- /* Retrieve the ING version of the word from the */
- /* dictionary (the ING version of run is running). */
- /*****************************************************/
- void get_verb_ing()
- {
- rewind (infile);
- fgets(dic_record, 80, infile);
- while (! feof(infile)) {
- if (match_verb_ing() == 0) break;
- fgets(dic_record, 80, infile);
- }
- return;
- }
- /*****************************************************/
- /* If the root in the current dictionary record */
- /* matches the root in the actions array, and the */
- /* current dictionary record has an ING restriction, */
- /* then extract the dictionary word and return 0. */
- /*****************************************************/
- int match_verb_ing()
- {
- int i;
- char *root;
- char *dic_word;
- root = extract_root();
- if (strcmp(actions[sentence],root) == 0) {
- /* Root found, look for ING restriction */
- for (i=24; i<33; i++) {
- if (isspace(dic_record[i])) break;
- if (dic_record[i] == ING) {
- dic_word = extract_word();
- strcat(response, dic_word);
- return(0);
- }
- }
- }
- return(1);
- }